
Chemstrip uGK Urine Test Strips for Glucose and Ketones - 100 ea Review

Chemstrip uGK Urine Test Strips for Glucose and Ketones - 100 ea
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These inexpensive little strips can save a lot of worry and grief. If diabetes runs in your family, if you are pre-diabetic, if you have full-blown diabetes and your doctor approves, use THESE Chemsrrip uGK Strips, instead of the much more expensive strips which require needles and meters. I was pre-diabetic for a very long time, and my doctor advised me to use the Chemstrips. (I also used a bathroom scale, to keep track of my weight.) These plastic strips are relatively simple to use, and totally need NO needles or meters. They are similar to Bayer Ketostrips, but seem to last longer and are more immune to light than the Ketostrips, which I have also tried. I would suggest anyone who is even a little overweight buy these strips -- and use them once a week. They give an "early warning" for diabetes without much cost or trouble. It's always better to be safe than sorry -- and in today's world, with SO many people being over-weight, one never can tell. Buy these strips -- and buy a GOOD scale. If you keep weight-loss always in the back of your mind, and use these strips (at least) once a week, you may never get full-blown diabetes. Like aspirin, these Chemstrip uKG strips belong in EVERYONE's medicine cabinet!

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INDICATIONS:Chemstrip uGK Urine Test Strips for Glucose and Ketones use For in vitro diagnostic. Accurate urinalysis screening begins with a quality test strip.The patented construction of the Chemstrip Urine Test Strips includes absorbent pads underlying the reagent pad, held in place by a mesh laminate overlay, rather than adhesive.This facilitates absorbency and rapid diffusion of the sample, prevents chemical runover onto adjacent strips, and provides easy-to-read, uniform, distinct color changes.Test for Glucose, Ketone, Billrubin, pH, Protein, Urobilinogenin, nitrate, leukocytes and specific gravity.

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